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Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 (Plugins for After Effects, Win) 3.5

Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 (Plugins for After Effects, Win) 3.5

Screenshots of Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 (Plugins for After Effects, Win)

Panopticum Lens Pro 3.5 (Plugins for After Effects, Win) Publisher's Description

Panopticum Lens Pro 3.0 ¿ is a big and universal set of effects for creation of Lenses, Crystals, Glass and Crystalline objects, surfaces and inscriptions.
Panopticum Lens Pro 3.0 consists of two such filters as Lens Pro 3.0 and Universal Lens.

Lens Pro 3 filter is a universal tool for designing realistic lenses and 3D-crystals as well as crystalline 3D-models.

This set contains:
7 kinds of lenses: Ellipse , Square , Droplet , Torus , Border , Clam, Rose ;
15 kinds of 3D crystals: Cube , Cube Bevel , Prism , Prism Polygon , Prism Polygon Bevel , Prism Polygon Bevel and Back , Pyramid , Pyramid Back , Pyramid Polygon , Pyramid Polygon and Back , Diamond , Star , Tetrahexahedron , Hexoctahedron , Resolit ;
VRML mode for import of the 3D models in VRML format into your project.

The set of parameters Particles System will help you to create quickly a system of lens and crystal particles.You can adjust parameters of particles ¿ movement and create interesting effects as well as animate backgrounds. Use the preview mode Contour for designing the shape of the lens in real time.

Universal Lens ¿ this is a set of universal tools for creation of any glass and crystal figures and surfaces . This set contains 3 kinds of effects: Triangle Surface , Contour Mask, Gradient Mask .

All effects of lenses and crystals contain a wide range of adjustable parameters of their shape, optical properties, position and illumination. Optical properties of lenses and crystals allow adjusting refraction, colour deviation of the glass, its volume, direction and color of high light.

New features in version 3.0

  • New Rose lens.
  • New 15 3D crystals.
  • Import VRML models.
  • New set of parameters for creating reflections on lenses and crystals.
  • New set of 18 different sources of light.
  • 64-bit color

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